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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Full House massage? Happy endings?

Often we get these requests from gents - seeking either "Full House" services or "Happy Ending" massage.

We do have a new female practitioner (Blyss) who will offer very sensual healing work, as well as focus on your energy shifts. She sees herself as a sacred sex therapist offering more than what is usually offered in other venues. She sees herself  as having a past life where she worked in ancient temples offering inspiration through sensual healing work, where she would guide men into Worship through sacred sex practices.

Yes there is a fine line between escorts offering "hand jobs" to bring relief or create the sense of a happy ending and what will be offered by Blyss. Blyss will care for your spiritual and physical needs dealing with the body mind and spirit, working with your energies and breathing techniques to create a deeper senses of awareness and more intense orgasms.

Blyss will be available certain weekdays from 10am till 5pm