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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Adventure into Bodywork and Healing

We are pleased to announce that Candace Beth Michael (from Cape Town) will be working with us for a few days while she is in Johannesburg.

Candace works intuitively with the body mind and spirit - she believes the the mind is reflected in the body, that cellular processes are affected by unconscious material held there and by what we feel

Her bodywork combines Polynesian and Shamanic processes, along with structural integration and fascia release techniques, this combination addresses the emotional as well as the physiological elements and components.

Candace was trained in Hawaii, Thailand, India, UK, Zanzibar and South Africa over a period of 9 years in massage and bodywork styles - as well as Yoga, meditation and breathwork

For an appointment she can be contacted :

071 345 2453

071 345 2453