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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Updates on site

I recently came across numerous other influences and teachings, and have had the opportunity to attend some talks and workshops. I would like to thank Natsja for being a wonderful friend and therapist - I was recently introduced to her and we have been exchanging massages with each other, as well as teaching each other our techniques. So, with all these happenings I realised I need to do some updates on the Shaktigardens website.

Tantra Glossary:
We will be introducing a new section on the Shaktigardens site - a Glossary that will contain translations of Tantric words and phrases. Some of the names given and used in the English language for certain body parts can sound vulgar, clinical and uninviting. For example, we refer to a Penis, while in Tantra it is known as the Lingam, and the Vagina is known as a Yoni. There are wonderful poetic and mysterious sounding words that you can add to your vocabulary, especially during foreplay. It is time we changed our way of thinking, we need to speak with more feeling, empathy and lovingkindness.

There are new updates planned, be on the lookout for new poems and hopefully additional new artwork

I have just completed a Thai Yoga (Nuad Bo Rarn) massage course, and need to complete a few case studies first before I can offer this healing modality through the site. It is very effective and relaxing. No oil is used, nor do you have to disrobe. There are some very basic massage "rubs", lots of pressure point work as well as stretching and manipulating the limbs and the back.

As some of you know, I should have completed a Lomi massage course a few weeks back, but a series of unfortunate events stopped that. I have been in contact with some course facilitators and if all goes well, I will be attending lectures covering this wonderful modality, and soon will be offering this as an additional therapy on the site.

I am pleased to announce that George ( will be joining me in offering a Tantra inspired Dual Sensual Massage. He is an experienced Tantra teacher and healer, by combining our skills and knowledge, we have developed an amazing sensual full body massage treatment, incorporating influences such as Swedish as well as Polynesian Massage. With this healing modality you will receive healing from both of us. It will be sheer bliss, your entire body will feel as if it has gone into orgasm. Imagine two therapists working simultaneously on you, from head to feet, back and front of body, massaging, working on Chakras, healing mind, body and spirit, and getting the sensual energies to flow freely.

Taoist Sexual Massage - this is finally coming together. This differs from Sensual Healing Massage where we focus mainly on the sexual and sensual energies, balancing Chakras and doing breathwork. With the Taoist Sexual Massage I will include some of the above, as well as Yoni massage, stimulation at the perineum and some lymphatic drainage.

I would like to point out that all massages have a minimum duration of 90 minutes, sometimes longer, using a combination of 2 therapies will then take 120 minutes. The only exception to this is the Indian Head & Shoulder Massage, which is 30 minutes long. Always compare cost and duration when comparing therapies and therapists, some might seem cheaper, but then they often spend less time in healing the body. I work according to your needs, not the clock. If I need to spend more time on a problem area I will do so without charging extra. This is your time for healing!

Be blessed.