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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

New therapies to be introduced soon

Greetings once again
Soon we will be introducing some new therapies at the Shakti Gardens - firstly I will be introducing Lomi-Lomi (or Kahuna massage), this will soon be followed by Thai massage and Sound Vibrational Therapy.

I will be attending an intensive Lomi (Kahuna) workshop soon, and hope to follow this with a course in Thai massage. The Sound Vibrational Therapy is unique in that it works directly on the Chakras by utilising various wind instruments, gongs and chimes to activate the various Chakras. I am currently in the process of obtaining the instruments to be used in this therapy. This modality can be used very effectively in conjunction with other healing processes.

I will also be looking for a beautician to join me to do facials and nails, if you wish to recommend anyone please contact me.

Be Blessed
Don Dreaming Eagle