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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Exciting new workshop being planned

Hopefully soon we will be hosting an exciting new workshop at Shakti Gardens. Together with the Advait Tantra School will be hosting a day of exploring sensuality and awareness.

The workshop is planned to start in the afternoon, with practical excercises, meditation, breathwork and focussing on stimulating energies - this will be led by Rahasya (principal Advait Tantra school)along with some of his Tantrikas. Some spoken lessons will be given along with discussion - theme could include topics such as origins of Tantra, this will be confirmed later. Early evening time will be set aside as a break for eats and then questions/answers.

After the break we will then discuss bodywork and sensual massage, with some practical work included. If time allows, and if the group is willing, we will delve into the basics of expanded (or full body) orgasm.

This day of sensuality is open to couples as we need to keep a balance of male to female ratios. Also there will be a practical element to the workshop and you will need a partner to work with.

Numbers will be limited!

Please give us feedback if there is anything in particular you would like us to deal with or discuss.
