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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Taoist Sexual Massage

Another new service that will be provided soon will be Taoist Sexual Massage. I attended a workshop on this unique massage therapy a while back. More recently I came across a book on this subject (written by Russell and Kolb)- this is an easy to follow guide to the Taoist system of sexual massage, it will help to free your erotic enegies as well as release your creative power. This is not a new technique, nor is it an exclusive teaching, this is available to anyone who wishes to research and learn.

I am currently re-reading the book, and busy compiling a manual based on this book and other teachings. As soon as it is done I will create a blog for this and begin this healing as part of the therapies at Shakti Gardens.

This massage can be taught as part of a couples workshop, or can be offered as part of sensual healing. It involves a full body massage, incorporating energy work and some lymphatic drainage. I would make use of crystals and gemstones to enhance awakening of the Chakras. The first part of this treatment will focus on breathwork, awakening and stirring of sensual energies through the whole body. Only then will the actual physical healing of the body take place. Later, some work is done around the pelvic area, and the healer will need to place the palm of his right hand to rest on the Yoni - this is to stir and awaken the base Chakra. After this the healer will harmonize the whole body in flowing movements to intergrate, harmonize and intensify the energies. Finally gently finishing off with a caring facial and scalp massage to bring the receiver back to a normal state of conciousness. Allowing the receiver to feel totally harmonized, grounded, refreshed and regenerated.