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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tantra evening and discussion

Greetings everyone
This coming Saturday 12th September we will be hosting another of our Tantra Discussion evenings with Swami Rahasya (Director of the Advait Tantra School).

We are blessed and honored to have a teacher such as Swami Rahasya bless us with his presence, and his knowledge of Tantra. As usual he will share his profound knowledge with us and help us understand and de-mystify Tantra and the teachings of Osho. Many seekers have an ongoing quest for knowledge and understanding, as well as seeking various forms of alternative healing - and thus we continue to provide a platform to assist them by providing these discussion groups as well as workshops. Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to friends who might wish to join us, or who might be curious about Tantra and Osho. Maybe invite them to join you with us at Shakti Gardens.

If you have suggestions for our Discussion Groups or planned Workshops, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or perhaps call us and let us chat about your ideas. Should there be a specific topic you wish to have discussed just let us know. We want to hear from you with regards to what we can offer you at Shakti Gardens.

Soon we will be hosting Goddess Workshops and possibly Medicine Wheel Workshops - these will be for women only and will be hosted by Dakini Sh'kina Moondancer. We have also been discussing and planning the possibility of a Puja, or celebration at Shakti Gardens. This will be for a mixed group and will involve meditation, breath-work, shifting energies, and Trance Dance.

We will be needing the assistance of volunteers for the upcoming 3 day conference in November. As always, there are many different functions to be fulfilled at an event such as this. We also have to look at setting up basic catering for this event. Any suggestions will be welcome.

First Annual Conference & Gathering for Sacred Sexuality Healers Practitioners
- this South African Tour and 3 day Conference on Sacred Sexuality will be happening in November, 27-29! The conference will be hosted by members of Sedona Temple and the International School of Temple Arts (Arizona) together with members of the Advait Tantra School (JHB) and members of Shakti Gardens. Having recently completed a tour of Australia, teachers of the Sedona Temple will be visiting South Africa. We will keep you informed with more details as we make progress with our planning. The Johannesburg conference will take place at the Delta Environmental Park. For further updates to this event please check or our Blog page on Shakti Gardens website.

We still have stock of the "PURE" incense brand - a high grade natural incense, and is now available at all our workshops and discussion groups.
Cost - R30 per pack

Also from the same supplier and available at Shakti Gardens is "CRYSTAL ESSENCE" - this is a blend of essential oils and tree resins, crystalized into a solid perfume - also available at our workshops and discussion groups. Various fragrances include Patchouli, Frankincense, Rose, Amber etc
Cost R50 per item

We hope to be adding more products soon - such as smudge sticks, crystals etc - that will bring harmony and balance into your everyday life.

Tantra Discussion evening with Swami Rahasya
Saturday 12th September

17 Anreith Street
Franklin Roosevelt Park


R100 per person

Teas and snacks provided.

Please let me know if you wish to include other seekers on the mailing list. Also notify us if you are receiving these newsletters in error or if you wish to be removed from the mailing list, I have had to make adjustments to the mailing list from time to time, but suspect that one or two errors or duplications still exist.