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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yoga magazine

Complete Yoga, announcements


Awareness of our own inner processes' and being "awake", "connected" and "in tune" with the world around us is such an important part of our yogic journey's! "The universe is within us" is a truism that always inspires great adventure and learning along our spiritual paths and one that encourages us to keep along the yogic path towards our self-realistion.
Complete Yoga is dedicated to helping you enrich your experiences of yoga and, as such, we are contuinually working to bring you the inspiration needed along the way.
We hope that this July is a month filled with wonder and connection and that you may travel your days, not only safely, but with love and the joy of living in your hearts!
Enjoy this month's newsletter and please let us know what is happening with you -if you have events to announce, reportbacks to provide, contributions, submissions or suggestions, we are here at your service and you can kindly email us at

Hari Om Tat Sat, The Complete Yoga Team!

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Words on Hatha Yoga

"Hatha yoga aims especially at the mastery of the body and the vegetative system. Only he who can dominate his bodily activity, his heart beat, digestion, breathing and muscular system can become master of his spiritual activities and mind. No one should say 'I can learn to discipline my mind without all this'. We know that we cannot. Western man is no longer able to sit still for a few minutes without feeling somewhere a tickle or an itch. He does not know the first thing about his breathing and is dominated by his habits, impulses, emotions and desires.
Hatha yoga lays a foundation for exercises that are concerned with mind and spirit. Yoga does not consider life as continual pleasure, but rather an unceasing, conscious, purposeful maturing and development towards the spiritual. Development takes a long time and requires many lives. It is a battle on two fronts - an inward struggle to master the petty self; an outward one to give shape to the things with which fate makes and takes us by storm. Therefore, the effort is made to live as long and healthy life as is possible as disease disturbs the forces of development and prevents their unfolding." Kavi Yogiraj Mani Finger

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Yoga Pose Of The Month

Utrasana - Camel Pose

Ustrasana (camel pose) is one such asana that offers multi-purpose benefits. It enhances the flexibility and strength of the shoulders, tones the muscles, alleviates neck pain, and activates the respiratory, nervous, circulatory, and endocrine systems. The camel yoga pose also improves mental concentration and attention.

How to perform Utrasana:
* Sit up on the knees with heels of your feet pressed against your hips.
* Grasp your left ankle with the left hand and right ankle with the right hand, while bending backward.
* Inhale through the nostrils and lift your hips off your legs, arching the back and thrusting the abdomen forward. Tilt your head as far back as possible.
* Hold this posture and feel the stretch along your spine.
* Exhale and slowly return to the initial position.

Holding the asanas help you in increasing muscle strength. However, if you feel excessive strain in your lower back, exhale and return to the upright position. After relaxing for a moment, try the asana again.

"Caught up in the energy of breath, I release the spring of my being
Thighs and spine recline
Within this posture, bending me
Curved branch of life's tree
Whose blossoms lend fingers to God
Who fashioned me"

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Seva Unite - How you can help!

Prison Freedom Project
SevaUnite is the distributor for the African continent of the bookWe are all doing time by Bo Lozoff. It is sent completely free of charge to all prisoners who want it. The book is a resource that helps guide people in walking a spiritual life. It offers advice and techniques covering a wide range of topics including hatha yoga, meditation, prayer, service, and religion. SevaUnite also selling copies to the public for R200 and all proceeds go to supporting the Human Kindness Foundation, Prison Ashram project and SevaUnite.

Children's Yoga Movement
The Children's Yoga Movement is growing with regular weekly classes in the Factreton and Guguletu. We would also like to get more classes started. We are looking for yoga teachers to volunteer time to help us run this new programme - the experience to be incredibly rewarding and uplifting, with useful lessons in spontaneity, creativity and humour. Just an hour of your time one afternoon per week is needed.

To help out contact SevaUnite at or visit or click to

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Nia Retreat - Event Report Back

The Nia Retreat at the Buddhist Retreat Centre, Ixopo, KZN, was a refreshing and recharging experience held admist the beautiful hills and forests of Ixopo.

The aim of the retreat was to connect to the "Joy of Movement" (the soul of Nia), and the four elements of nature. Time was spent moving indoors and outdoors bringing everyone into their bodies by connecting to Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Using simple and natural movement we danced beside the dam enjoying the water element, around fires that were built indoors and outdoors, on the hill, breathing in the cleansing and energising wind and barefoot on the earth.

For information on Nia Retreats, call Susan on 083 306 3852 or Aryo on 082 925 7637, e-mail, visit or click to view a gallery of pictures from the event!

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YTF Yoga Day - Event Report Back

The Yoga Teacher's Fellowhsip's Yoga Day held at the ISHTA Studio of Yoga and Health was a day of yoga, fun and enlightenment!
Cherryl Duncan began the day with an invigorating Jivamukti class, followed by a delicious vegetarian lunch by Free Food caterers and Mark Joseph led an afternoon Bhuddhist Heart meditation. The day was throughly enjoyed by all those who attended. The YTF looks forward to seeing you at their next yoga day!

To view pictures of this event, visit For more information on the YTF visit

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Full Moon Meditation - Event Report Back

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha.

The Sagittarius Full Moon is all about leaping over the void from our collapsing 'reality' to a spiritual vision that demands truth, justice, personal responsibility and breadth of vision and such was the effect was created at the Full Moon meditation evening, led by Pritam Khalsa and the band SATYA, where in true Kundalini Yoga style those present were encouraged to meet one other and connect through song, movement and unity. The evening concluded with a shared vegetarian dinner, where old and newly made friends alike found their special spots to sit down, chat quietly and reflect on their experiences. There was a wonderful turn-out and no doubt that many of those who came will be back again, next time.

"When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator." - Mahatma Gandhi.

For more information on the event and for a picture gallery

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Preggie Yoga Workshop - Event Report Back

Connecting with 'The Divine Within' certainly takes on a new meaning when it comes to pregnancy yoga - demonstrated by renowned doula and trainer Saraj Kuar (Theoni Papoutsis), participants were guided through a series of asanas that are most beneficial for practicing during pregnancy to facilitate natural labour and birthing....

For more news and pictures from the event visit

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Upcoming July Events


A talk, presentation, singing and vegetarian feast with Srimata Syamrani Dasa - world-renowned devotional artist!

Date: Sunday 26th July
Where: ISHTA Centre of Yoga and Health - 121 Atholl Rd Atholl, Sandton
Time: 6pm
To book: Call Nandiva on (011) 887 2027, or visit

About Syamarani
The elaborate details of the beautiful paintings created by Syamarani dasi do not come from the artists imagination, rather all the details come from the details found in the Sanskrit text of the ancient Vedas. These details are also found in the heart of pure devotees who have realised those texts. Syamarani is a speaker of the Vedic society, throughout the world in countries like the US, Canada, England, Germany, Hong Kong, China, France, Italy and many more. She is regularly a speaker at temples, yoga and other spiritual instituations and on radio and television stations.

To view this event online click to

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The word "kriya" means "practical yoga technique" and is derived from the word "kri" meaning "to do". Kriya yoga brings about an integrated transformation of the individual in all five planes of existence, namely PHYSICAL, VITAL, MENTAL, INTELLECTUAL and SPIRITUAL.

Date: Fri 21 Aug @ 7pm - Phase 1 – introduction, Phase 2 and 3 on Sat 22nd and Sun 23rd
Venue: 121 Athol Road, Atholl (off Corlette Drive) @ ISHTA
Contact: Joel Perry – 083 883 4294, Kirit Naik 083 979 5059, Nandiva (011) 887 2027 / 082 338 8153 or

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"A process of coming back to your independent spirit"

Understand the technicality of yoga asana and play in asana from basic poses to planting seeds to more advanced poses.
The workshop is geared toward your body that has arrived, addressing in IndiYoga Spirit what needs to be addressed in terms of alignment, strength and flexibility, understanding of the body-mind relationship, understanding of mind in all contexts, freedom and expression, toward your independence.

Venue: Haum of Yoga Fourways
Date: Sunday 19 July
Time: 11am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm.
Please bring a light lunch.
Cost: R450
Contact: Please email to secure your booking. Booking and payment in advance is essential. Visit for more information.

About the teacher: Kerry has been teaching for 8 years and has keen attention to detail that will facilitate your yoga journey. From her own experience of getting stuck in the intellect, Kerry teaches freedom from the ideas of how things should be, to understanding your body and how things will be.

To view this event online visit

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Swami Anubhavananda RETREAT

Swami Anubhavananda’s first visit to South Africa!

"Happiness is the sign of God realization" Bhagavad Gita

Retreat dates: 10th – 12th July
Where: Magaliesburg Conference Center -

Philosophy: "Greatness is achieved by paying attention to small things. Let God manifest through you" -
Swami Anubhavananda

To view this event online visit

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Jim Harrington YogaSynergy Workshops

Yoga Warrior will be hosting Jim Harrington's first YogaSynergy workshops in Johannesburg.

Date: 25th & 26th July
Cost: R800 for entire weekend or R250 per session
Where: Yoga Warrior, Rosebank
Contact: Call Clara Woodburn on 082 840 4349, email visit for more information

Jim is the owner of Karma Shala Yoga Studio and one of Cape Town's leading yoga teachers. Jim brought YogaSynergy to South Africa from Sydney, Australia and is his first time teaching this "intelligent" style of yoga in Johannesburg.

What is YogaSynergy?
The unique YogaSynergy style is a dynamic style of yoga based on an understanding of yoga anatomy, yoga physiology and traditional hatha yoga and is a synthesis between Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Tibetan yoga and modern medical science. YogaSynergy is like a flowing self-massage very effective in developing strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, internal health, energy, grace, meditative bliss and the ability to deal with stress.

Individual workshops are available on Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon. Preference however will be given to those booking for the entire weekend.

To view this event online visit

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Science of Life Workshops

The Science of Life Workshops facilitated by
Dr Frédéric Motz...

The informative and innovative 2 days are based on Ayurvedic principles and knowledge and you will learn about constitution types, doshas, nutrition as well as practicing the Oscillation Technique.

The workshop is highly recommended for teachers of yoga, massage practitioners, dieticians, beauticians – or simply anyone offering advise and services on holistic and healthy living – and, of course, the individual who wishes to develop a healthy daily diet and lifestyle that is uniquely suited to them. It gives you the chance to enhance your wellness studio or energy work with new skills and knowledge. The workshop beautifully balances theory and practical work and will finish with a certification session.

DATE: Saturday 25 July and Sunday 26 July 2009
TIME: 9am - 4:30pm daily
VENUE: The Green Power House - 43 2nd Avenue, Linden 2195
COST: R1700 – ask about our offer for groups of 3 or more
Send us contact details (e-mail and name) of people who may be interested, and receive discounts on your booking.
To Book: Contact Tricia on 074 821 7435 or e-mail: or

We will supply tea, coffee and snacks but please bring your own lunch.

To view this event online visit

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Movie Screening: What if?

What if you held the key to unlocking the greatest discovery of mankind?

Unique and fascinating interviews with many of today's most intrepid doctors, scientists, visionaries and philanthropists combined with stunning international cinematography and visual effects, will encourage you to look beyond the impossible and seek answers in a new and exciting realm of possibilities! Be prepared to question your reality as you are introduced to extraordinary individuals who are achieving the miraculous. These incredible manifestations expand far beyond what social consciousness may think is possible. They will inspire you to follow your own innate awareness, allowing you to open to your true unlimited self!

DATE: 11 July & 14 July
TIME: 15h30 & 19h30
COST: R45.00 per person (dinner available at 18h30 @ R55.00)
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL! Book at Zenatude on 011 234 3343; or visit for more information.

To view this event online visit

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Radha International announces the opening of SRI SRI RADHA GOVINDA MANDIR under the guidance of our Sad Guru His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

Lecture by Shrimati Syamarani devi dasi (Jadurani) & His Holiness Bhaktivedanta Damodar Maharaja.

Date: 26 July 2009
Venue: Peacock Str, Maharaj Centre, Lenasia South
Time: 3.00 pm TO 6:00 pm
Maha-prasad (Dinner) will be served

In this dark age of Kali the Vedas recommend the chanting of the maha- mantra "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"

Contact: Vrindavan Das 079 028 8850; Dharmavira Das 071 682 1359; Radha Priya Devi Das (011) 854 3131 Visit

All Welcome!

To view this event online visit

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Yoga for Surfers with Jim Harrington - Cape St Francis - 10th - 12th July

“Perhaps the most exhausting, but exhilarating, weekend since the days when a nine-year-old Duracell bunny tore up the neighbourhood for 14 hours straight before falling into a coma at bed time."
– Steve Pike, Sunday Argus

Date: 10th - 12th July
Venue: Cape St Francis Resort
Cost: R890
To book: Call Jim on 082 642 5256 or e-mail

To view this event online visit

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Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing Workshop

A 2-day Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing Workshop facilitated by Stiaan van der Merwe.

What is Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing?
Shamballa energy is the energy of love without conditions, and the integration of this love by empowering the self. Being in love consciousness rather than fear is to be free. The energies of Shamballa are passed through activations - which were brought in during the mid-1990s by Englishman John Armitage, also known as Hari Baba. These activations were delivered directly to him by St Germain, an Ascended Master, who will also work closely with each workshop participant.

What will the workshop entail?
The workshop centres on 4 energy activations of the Shamballa energy. Apart from discussions, meditations and clearances, you will be assisted in doing energy work for yourself and for others.

DATE: Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th July 2009
TIME: 8:30am – 4:30pm daily
VENUE: The Green Power House – 43 2nd Avenue, Linden 2195
COST: R500/day – tea, coffee and snacks will be provided but please bring your own lunch
(Please call Stiaan on 082 574 6201 to discuss conditions for payment, as part of starting your inner process for attending the workshop!)

To view this event online visit

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The Art of Synchronometry

Learn the practical application of the Maya’s Mystical Tzolkin Count on a 2-day workshop that introduces participants to the concepts of natural time. We begin by understanding that the Gregorian Calendar and how it has been designed and put in place to keep us out of sync with nature.

This workshop will introduce you to 3 basic tools:
*The 20 Mayan Suns: Being able to identify each one by symbol and number.
*The 13 Galactic Tones: The frequencies of the creative process.
*The Tzolkin: This number ratio of 13:20 is the foundation upon which the (Tzolkin) mystical count Is built.

Working with these three tools, you will learn the magical language of the Maya, re-define your experiences each day as well as develop a language defined through your own personal experiences.

It is time to awaken & to remember our purpose!

Dates: Johanesburg - 1st and 2nd August
Tzaneen - 8th and 9th August
Time: 9am - 3.30pmdaily
Cost: R900. 50% deposit to confirm places.
Details: Please bring coloring in pencils or crayons, a pen, pencil and notepad . All other materials are supplied
Contact: Michael Coyle on 082 784 8419

To view this event online visit

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