Group Massage Playshop, Puja Dance and Celebration
I would like ideas and feedback with regards to workshops at Shakti Gardens. If there is anything in particular you would like us to present/host/teach, please let us know. We want others to be involved in every possible manner, whether they get involved physically, actively assisting, or by mailing suggestions, it will be all good - we need to network and assist one another.
I have been playing around with the idea of a Massage Playshop - as opposed to a Workshop (OK, I saw this title on another site). This is for those who are open to being massaged by others, and to make this part of their Tantra Experience. This evening event is for open minded individuals who are not afraid to express their sexuality and enjoy their bodies and the bodies of others in a group environment. We will work on the floor, in close proximity to each other. You may move from one participant to another during this exercise.
Another idea is to have a Puja (celebration) - in this Puja we will have a light meal which we share with others, feeeding each other, and then once we have celebrated in this small feast, we want to move on and celebrate the senses by first meditating and raising energies, then doing dance meditation and some trance dance. We want people to shed old conformist ideas, to embrace a new awakening of mind, body and spirit, to embrace the beauty of the body, it's senses, it's gifts. And thus as the dance becomes more intense, if some wish to shed outer garmends, they may do so and participate Skyclad!
This is your forum - let us know what your thoughts and ideas are
be blessed
082 961 5454
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