OSHO Newsletter
OSHO South Africa Newsletter 08 09 Dear friends Being involved in this play is a blessing, it always reminds me how relentlessly one needs to keep going at it and create that special space within and without and hold it. Now back from a most amazing time in Australia, where I was assisting with Path of love process that was run by Turiya and 30+ staff members and co facilitators. We were 70 odd all together 2 hours out of Sydney, dancing exploring meditating and opening the heart wide open.. scary. This process is happening once a month all over the world, and we pray to make it happen here in Africa soon. So for the first time in Africa come and get a taste of the PATH OF LOVE Process with Turiya herself, who is one of the founders of this marvelous process on Sat 19 September from 6-9 PM ( THIS MIGHT BE CHANGED TO A FULL DAY) These next coming events are the essence of OSHO's work and the cutting edge in human potential and soul exploration. Turiya Hanover is Back to cape town and Windhoek this September; she is on the forefront in this field as a pioneer and developer since more than 30 years. Sw Videh is back from Poona India in October to offer another “disappear into the painting” journey into a wall size canvass tons of paints, mystery and you. Halima Hein from Frankfurt Germany will be in Cape town in November to offer the OSHO Primal freedom , and OSHO Tantra - sexual de-conditioning workshops. So come join the dance or enjoy yours With Love Prasado
NO MIND FLOWERS OF SILENCE Easy going Sunday Retreat 30 August 1PM - 5.00 PM le by Prasado POINT OF LIGHT IN CAPE TOWN Don’t miss this train. Turiya Hanover 5 Day teaching retreat 16 - 20 September. The Core of the Point of Light is pure awareness and Freedom. Hidden in the depth of our Ego is a memory of what we once were, a shining light full of love and creativity. PRESENCE IN LOVE IN WINDHOEK Turiya Hanover 5 Day teaching retreat 23 - 27 September 09
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Coming events
Cape town
30 August NO MIND FLOWERS OF SILENCE With Prasado Info Booking 0833568798
SPECIAL EVENT 19 September PATH OF LOVE INTRO With Turiya Hanover Booking 0833568798
16 - 20 September POINT OF LIGHT With Turiya Hanover Info Booking 0833568798
17- 19 October ART WITH HEART With Anand Videh Info Booking 0825641113
23 - 25 October PAINTING FROM THE BEING With Anand Videh Info Booking 0825641113
5 -8 November OSHO PRIMAL FREEDOM With Halima Hein Info Booking 0833568798
12 - 15 November OSHO TANTRA - SEXUAL DE-CONDITIONING With Halima Hein Info Booking 0833568798
Windhoek 23 - 27 September PRESENCE IN LOVE with Turiya Hanover Info Booking 0833568798 Ludo anicca@iway.na
Full Moon Retreats September 5-7th Mira 044-3569068
To explore more of the of OSHO world
"Drop guilt! -- because to be guilty is to live in hell. Not being guilty, you will have the freshness of dewdrops in the early morning sun, you will have the freshness of lotus petals in the lake, you will have the freshness of the stars in the night. Once guilt disappears you will have a totally different kind of life, luminous and radiant. You will have a dance to your feet and your heart will be singing a thousand and one songs."Osho
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