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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yoni Massage

Yoni Massage can be included in most healing therapies and workshops offered at Shaktigardens. For some, just receiving Sensual Healing Massage is all that they need, but for others, they have reached a conclusion that receiving Yoni Massage completes the healing process for them.

The technique used is very gentle and caring, it honours the Yoni and the receiver, it is done in a manner that respects her as a Goddess, and she eventually receives the ultimate release setting her free of the constraints that society has placed upon us. It allows her to submerge into pleasures that possess her physical being. She then enters a deep meditative bliss, submerged in ecstacy, her breathing then changes and her aura becomes energised as the new found sensual healing energies envelope her body mind and soul. The receiver then surrenders herself deep into her own pleasure zone.

She then arises from this healing, energised, confident and in charge of her own new-found sexuality. It is enlightening to experience this deep healing process, realising we have no restraints to hold us back, except ourselves. We need not hold onto past hurts, negative teachings, but to reach out and embrace what is yours to experience.

I have seen some wonderful women arise as if out of the ashes after receiving this gentle healing. Some saying that they feel complete as a woman once more, some even claim they feel like a worshipped Goddess!