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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Belly Dance - Tribal Fusion and Gothic

This morning I had a meeting with a Belly dance teacher, with the hope of finally introducing this wonderful art form as an additional teaching at Shaktigardens.

Everything worked out well and we hope to start on the first Saturday of March. We will be inviting you to experience Tribal Fusion and Gothic Belly Dance. This is a wonderful blend of various styles, from Egyptian to Gypsy to Indian Belly Dance. The outfits even differ from what you are used to seeing in various restaurants and other venues in and around Johannesburg, out are the glitzy shiny materials that have made belly dance just another form of entertainment. In Tribal Fusion and Gothic you wear more earthy colours, the clothing is more creative and it becomes an expression of yourself. The dance differs slightly, it is more open to interpretation, and there is more freedom of movement and expression. With "traditional" belly dance it is mainly the hps, thighs and belly that are used, in tribal Fusion and Gothic you learn to utilise the entire body. The arms play a big part in this.

At Shaktigardens we will be focussing more on the sensual aspects of belly dance. This is not to be confused with Pole Dancing or Lap Dancing - this will be deeply rooted in the feminine divine, assisting you to get in touch with your hidden inner sensuality.

If you look at a Chakra chart, you will notice that the base Chakra is in the hips and this reaches down the legs and into the feet, gounding th eindividual. By swivelling the hips you awaken dormant energies in this Chakra, this in turn begins to move upward and through the body entering the next Chakra, the Sacral which resides in the belly. This is where you store your sensuality and sexuality. Soon this is awakened as the belly is used and excercised along with the hips. You will begin to feel energised as the base Chakra flows up through the Sacral and then upward towards the heart.

What a wonderful combination, awakening the survival instinct, the sensual and then the loving!

No wonder women feel more feminine and sensual when doing belly dance, as these Chakras are re-energised, flow and connect.

There is a possibility that classes will be hosted on Saturdays - beginning in March!

You can call Alison for more details:
083 450 8508

or myself - Don:
082 961 5454