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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Sexual Massage and Sensual Healing

Recently I have had a number of calls from males seeking Sexual Massage. Some specifically asking if I have young female assistants. Similar requests have also come from within the Gay community.

Shaktigardens is a venue where events are hosted (featuring guest speakers) and therapies offered (such as Sensual Healing Massage) to encourage women to receive healing, and to honour the Goddess in all women. This is a place where women can find solitude, healing and peace. It is a place where you will be treated like a Goddess, where you can discover ancient teachings and be involved in workshops, a place where you can re-discover your inner sensuality and femininity. This is all done through the various healing modalities offered. The healing and massages that are done are not specifically sexual, but are done in a caring and gentle manner, with compassion and understanding to allow a sensual awakening to take place, and to bring balance to body mind and spirit. We focus on breathwork and balancing Chakras as part of the awakening and healing processes. The therapies are never rushed, this is your time!. A full body massage is usually longer than 90 minutes, and Sensual Healing Massage up to 2 hours.

Workshops are held for couples who wish to explore Tantric and Sensual Massage practices. The male partner is taught patience in love-making, he is taught to look upon his female partner in a new light. She is taught new tricks to stimulate him, and together they are shown the basics of Expanded Orgasm. They are both taught Sensual Massage techniques to enhance their foreplay and lovemaking, and to have a deeper appreciation for each other.

We all need to be more aware of how stress is destroying our libidos. We all need a new awakening of our sexual and sensual energies. At Shaktigardens we endeavour to provide a safe nuturing environment where you can explore what has been hidden from you. Allow your body and senses to come alive again! Enjoy the moment, live int it and rejoice!