Lifting the Veil
Lifting The Veil
Will you hold me in my pain, my fear, my vulnerability, distortions and anger?
Hold me, not fix me, nor judge me,without concern for making anything better, easier.
Embrace me, devoid of your ego, devoid of all concerns that you are not being enough, doing enough, loving enough.
Will you shield me, from myself… from my desire to stay contained,my veil, for you to love me in the perfection I feel you seek?
Will you gaze into my eyes so deeply, so openly that you feel the tremble of my wounds as I reveal them,exposing my darkness from a depth yet to see light?
Will you meet me…
Will you kiss my lips with raw purity,without fear, without repulsion, without altering yourself in any wayto be the man you think I need you to be?
And will you stay…
Will you trust yourself to know the immensity and depth of your beautiful soul, touched by the unyielding love and gratitude I feel for you in this beautifully sacred moment?
By Janine Marie.
Song Pick of the Day: Stay Open
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