Osho Quest
The Core of the Point of Light is pure awareness and Freedom. This teaching retreat focuses on Point of Light, which is our Essential Identity. Based on the teaching of and essence work by A.H.Almaas, Diamond Approach and F Mukadam 16 - 20 September 09 CAPE TOWN Click for full Info Facilitated by TURIYA HANOVER Turiya is one of the most celebrated and refined personal development leader worldwide. Working as a life coach in spiritual therapy for over 35 years, she designed and co-created many new processes such as:The Art of Dying, The Path of Love, Counselor Training, and Tantra Training. Click for full Details
OSHO TANTRA - SEXUAL DE-CONDITIONING The training is about puberty, adolescence, man/woman Participants will recover their sensuality and sense of pleasure in their bodies. The word Tantra means being in the flow, being at ease, and saying Yes to life. There won’t be any encounters between participants. The training will help you recognize and undo sexual conditioning and patterns and to pave the way for greater freedom and fulfillment. Facilitated by Halima Hane Halima is healer, psychotherapist, and training leader since 1982. She operates from her practice in Frankfurt Germany, she travels world wide to facilitate groups and trainings.
5 -8 November Johannesburg 12 - 15 November Cape town | Coming events
Cape town Johannesburg South Africa
Cape town 16 - 20 September POINT OF LIGHT With Turiya Hanover Booking 0833568798
Cape Town 19 September PATH OF LOVE INTRO With Turiya Hanover Booking 0833568798
Johannesburg 5 -8 November OSHO TANTRA - SEXUAL DE-CONDITIONING With Halima Hein Info Booking 0833568798
Cape town 12 - 15 November OSHO TANTRA - SEXUAL DE-CONDITIONING With Halima Hein Info Booking 0833568798
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