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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tantra & Tantric Healing

Tantra & Tantric Healing

Firstly what is Tantra? In our Westernised society we have focussed mainly on the sexual aspect of Tantra, but it is more than this, it is a journey of which sex is just a small part of this exciting path. Tantra teaches us to embrace life and its pleasures, to encompass all forms of beauty, sensitivity, ecstacy and excitement, by any means such as eating, drinking, to experience bodily pleasures such as massage, or by utilizing movement and dance. It celebrates all known pleasures and also quiet meditative reflection.

This is not a belief system, nor is it a faith or church, but a way of enjoying life, embracing the dance of life. Following this path will help you come to terms with yourself, your needs and your desires, it will open up a deeper understanding of your partner. All that we have mentioned so far are celebrated rather than repressed. Through experiencing and delighting in the pleasures of the body, the body becomes a temple in which you experience the sacred, and thus it becomes a doorway to a spiritual evolution.

Tantra teaches that everything is connected, and interwoven, we are just a small part of this universal reality, and we all need to embrace our new experiences, different practices, and thus, this will enable us to grow spiritually, and our aim is to achieve an experience with the Divine. Our sex, our sexuality and our sensuality are all gifts from God. The sexual act is a reminder of our unity in the Divine, we need to embrace this with mind body and spirit.

A loose definition of the Sanskrit word "Tantra" is "web", or a union of opposites. Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism. The root word "tan" can be translated as such: "to extend, expand, spread, continue, spin out, weave; to put forth, show or manifest". Tantric practice unifies the many contradictory aspects of the self, the masculine and feminine, spirit and matter, dark and light, into a harmonious whole.

Some of us have experienced moments in love where boundaries dissolve, all worldly things around us disappear and we become one with our loved one and all of existence, we then have unity with the Divine!

For too long in the West we have repressed sexual desire and intimacy, and only recently have we begun to tap into ancient teachings such as Tantra to help us break the mould and step forth bravely to encounter pleasures and a taste of the Divine. Sexual energy is the source of life, and according to some older cultures, they taught very sophistacted lovemaking skills, which we need to research, understand and practice today.

And it is with knowledge and respect for Tantra that we at Shakti Gardens wish to take you on a journey of self-healing, and exploration, as you develop a new understanding of your sexuality and as you embrace life and its pleasures. We wish to create a deepening connection and intimacy between two loving beings and a way of exploring natural altered states such as Expanded Full Body Orgasms!.