International Goddess Conference 2008
This temple website is dedicated to Her
Maiden, Mother, Crone,
the Great Mother Spirit,
and embodiment of Her Sacred Mystery.
International Goddess Conference 2008
Harvest Festival of the Great Mother of the Earth
We, as human beings, are faced with healing the feminine wound and with a return to balance, both within and without. Those on the goddess path of consciousness find our healing through a feminine spiritual experience, mirrored back at us in the symbol and image of the Feminine Face of God. As women and men, living in a patriarchal society, we have been confronted with God in only a male body. Through the years of patriarchy, women's bodies did not belong to themselves, but to their husband or king or church. We learned to hate our bodies unless it conformed to a male ideal. We learnt to 'curse' our female body cycles and our experiences became steeped in shame and guilt. We were effectively cut off from our bodies, separated from a Divine Feminine Model, who could lead us as inner guide and teacher. We reclaim our feminine souls and the sanctity of our inner lives through recognition of the goddess as a symbol of holiness of the immanent world, the physical, the here and now and the passion of the soul.
By reclaiming the Lost Feminine and Her sanctity, we restore the sanctity of women and womanly values.
The goddess forces us to embrace the natural cycles of birth, death and rebirth with its inevitable rhythm. She does not allow us to escape, nor do we need to run away; She liberates us into a new life in which we are free to experience every moment in its fullest, without fear of failure.
The goddess is so much more than mere myth or archetype in the feminine psyche. The Divine Mother is a living experience of love, nurture and compassion. She can be experienced in a direct and personal way.
The Shalom of the Holy; the disclosure of the gracious Shekinah;
Divine Wisdom; the empowering Matrix;
She, in whom we live and move and have our being - She comes; She is here!!!
Rosemary Radford Ruether
The image of goddess as a feminine image of the Divine, evokes the web of life that connects every living being to both nature and the supernatural. The image of deity as feminine Goddess is the oldest known religious image. Religion refers here to the internal understanding of that which binds us to a greater power and not the external authority of dogma and structure. And indeed, that is what Goddess 'religion' epitomizes for me : a holistic world view and an embodied understanding of the world and our place in it.
A feminine image of the Divine, alongside a masculine image, brings balance back to our world view. It restores to our consciousness the value of women and their womanly ways of doing things. It gives power to the feminine aspects of our being, both men and women.
The symbols and rituals of a goddess practice bring the original understanding of our connectedness and interrelatedness to one another and the Divine, back to our consciousness. Goddess practice implies embodied love as the ground of all being. Nature is a living, conscious, intelligent being and all those who live on her, share in this interdependent relationship. Thus the Goddess path calls for the incorporation and development of greener and holistic practices of thriving on her soil. Goddess is indeed the body of the earth. She is also nature, natural and Divine.
She is the One that gives birth to all life; She is also the One that ends life.
It is to have the freedom and understanding to call God both Mother and Father.
The Conference will honour Goddess as the Mother Spirit within everything and within all of us.
It is a celebration of the Sacred Feminine expressed in Her many aspects.
This Conference will showcase the power of art, myth and ritual as powerful tools of transformation and empowerment.
A celebration of the Feminine Spirit expressed through nature, sacred art, myth, sacred drama, sacred dance and song.
We will make our pilgrimage to the Mother in
Her many splendid
forms as Table Mountain, the Full Moon, the spiral of the Labyrinth,
a sacred circle of cypress trees, and crystal clear mountain waters.
Journey with us through playshops, art exhibitions, participate in powerful ritual, re-enact sacred myths and women's stories, to restore Her to our consciousness.
This temple website is dedicated to Her
Maiden, Mother, Crone,
the Great Mother Spirit,
and embodiment of Her Sacred Mystery.
International Goddess Conference 2008
Harvest Festival of the Great Mother of the Earth
We, as human beings, are faced with healing the feminine wound and with a return to balance, both within and without. Those on the goddess path of consciousness find our healing through a feminine spiritual experience, mirrored back at us in the symbol and image of the Feminine Face of God. As women and men, living in a patriarchal society, we have been confronted with God in only a male body. Through the years of patriarchy, women's bodies did not belong to themselves, but to their husband or king or church. We learned to hate our bodies unless it conformed to a male ideal. We learnt to 'curse' our female body cycles and our experiences became steeped in shame and guilt. We were effectively cut off from our bodies, separated from a Divine Feminine Model, who could lead us as inner guide and teacher. We reclaim our feminine souls and the sanctity of our inner lives through recognition of the goddess as a symbol of holiness of the immanent world, the physical, the here and now and the passion of the soul.
By reclaiming the Lost Feminine and Her sanctity, we restore the sanctity of women and womanly values.
The goddess forces us to embrace the natural cycles of birth, death and rebirth with its inevitable rhythm. She does not allow us to escape, nor do we need to run away; She liberates us into a new life in which we are free to experience every moment in its fullest, without fear of failure.
The goddess is so much more than mere myth or archetype in the feminine psyche. The Divine Mother is a living experience of love, nurture and compassion. She can be experienced in a direct and personal way.
The Shalom of the Holy; the disclosure of the gracious Shekinah;
Divine Wisdom; the empowering Matrix;
She, in whom we live and move and have our being - She comes; She is here!!!
Rosemary Radford Ruether
The image of goddess as a feminine image of the Divine, evokes the web of life that connects every living being to both nature and the supernatural. The image of deity as feminine Goddess is the oldest known religious image. Religion refers here to the internal understanding of that which binds us to a greater power and not the external authority of dogma and structure. And indeed, that is what Goddess 'religion' epitomizes for me : a holistic world view and an embodied understanding of the world and our place in it.
A feminine image of the Divine, alongside a masculine image, brings balance back to our world view. It restores to our consciousness the value of women and their womanly ways of doing things. It gives power to the feminine aspects of our being, both men and women.
The symbols and rituals of a goddess practice bring the original understanding of our connectedness and interrelatedness to one another and the Divine, back to our consciousness. Goddess practice implies embodied love as the ground of all being. Nature is a living, conscious, intelligent being and all those who live on her, share in this interdependent relationship. Thus the Goddess path calls for the incorporation and development of greener and holistic practices of thriving on her soil. Goddess is indeed the body of the earth. She is also nature, natural and Divine.
She is the One that gives birth to all life; She is also the One that ends life.
It is to have the freedom and understanding to call God both Mother and Father.
The Conference will honour Goddess as the Mother Spirit within everything and within all of us.
It is a celebration of the Sacred Feminine expressed in Her many aspects.
This Conference will showcase the power of art, myth and ritual as powerful tools of transformation and empowerment.
A celebration of the Feminine Spirit expressed through nature, sacred art, myth, sacred drama, sacred dance and song.
We will make our pilgrimage to the Mother in
Her many splendid
forms as Table Mountain, the Full Moon, the spiral of the Labyrinth,
a sacred circle of cypress trees, and crystal clear mountain waters.
Journey with us through playshops, art exhibitions, participate in powerful ritual, re-enact sacred myths and women's stories, to restore Her to our consciousness.
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