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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yoni Massage

I recently had a young couple enquire about Sensual Healing Massage, Sensual Chakra Balancing and Yoni Massage. After a long discussion we set a time to help them with their healing process. As usual, the massage was done in a nurturing environment, great care was giving to releasing stress after which there was an application of Hot Stones, only then were the different Chakras activated by use of various gem stones, crystals, my breathwork and visualization of energy shifts. By focussing mainly on the Base Chakra and causing Kundalini energy to awaken and flow freely, the client experienced a deep sense of pure spiritual and physical arousal.

There had to be much body work and healing, only then was permission (asked by me) and given for the Yoni Massage - during this stage an intense energy shift was experienced. Yoni Massage must never be compared to a "pelvic massage" or sexual massage offered by some studios. This is a deep balancing of mind, body and spirit. The receiver must want to receive this healing, and then during therapy give thanks for her unique creation. Some go through a spiritual healing or awakening during this process. It is always done with deep reverence and the utmost respect for womanhood. As the energies became more aroused and moved with greater intensity, the receiver was then guided to focus on and practice breathwork to enhance the move of energies, her focus was channelled away from the pelvic area as she visualized the energies moving upward enveloping her entire body, and within a short space of time she experienced the Expanded Full Body Orgasm.

Her husband was present at all times during this healing process, and he received instruction from me on how to achieve similar results at home with her.

If this is the healing you would like to experience, but would prefer to talk about it first, you are most welcome to e-mail me, phone, or meet for coffee and a chat. Your needs will be adressed with an open heart. The path you wish to travel on will be respected.

We are all uniue beings, each with our own different likes, needs, wants, and desires!

Give thanks, you are blessed, you have life. Enjoy what you have!
