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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

talk about sex & fall into love

I wanna talk about sex. I want to shout our shame so loud that we lose our voices and collapse into each other's arms in uncontrollable laughter. I want to stop wasting life comparing our bodies to each other. I want sex for joyful exploration without a goal. I want the "size does matter" debate to end. I want to look out from your eyes and cry your tears and never, ever, ever try to change you.

to fall into love and desire and compassion and understanding - simple fundamentals needed for a true relationship - acceptance without judgements - to share tears of laughter tears of sadness - to express love so deep you cannot breathe or voice the words to your beloved - but to stare into each other's eyes , tears flowing from pure joy, hands quivering with excitement - as you look at your beloved and the universe melts and you are one in that moment and nothing else exists or matters - and sex becomes that united bond where nothing else exists except for the two of you as one - be blessed be loved be one