To love the Yoni - to worship the Goddess
What does it mean to love yoni? So many new students of mine have no real idea of Goddess Worship. Does this frustrate me? Yes !!! Am I angry? Well no not any more. When I offer conscious cuddling to my new Guests most of the men who visit me the first time naturally wish to migrate directly to my nipples and wish to stay there indefinitely. I allow this now without being too upset but I allow them to milk my nipples and I have grown more patient with this practice for those men who truly have no understanding. They finally say to me "Are you enjoying this because I am". I then pause and I say that just like any other part of the Goddess body the nipples can become numbed out or desensitized to touch if one spends too much time there. Then the pause and realize they have spent too much time there for their own satisfaction and I assure them that true goddess healing and yoni worship is about revering and honoring of the female energies. Many new students just assume that what gives them such pleasure might not bring the goddess pleasure. Yoni worship and yoni empowerment can be gratifying not only for the receiving goddess but should be energizing to the giver. There is a powerful energy that emerges from a yoni that is being loved with fervor. We honor the yoni not by need or want of our own needs but because we wish to shower her with good intentions and positive sounds and touch. The most important way to heal the yoni is by fully breathing into your own heart chakra so that your heart is alive, awake and deeply activated. There is so much soothing energy that comes from your heart chakra. There is a vital and healing energy that also comes from a fully awakened Lingham and you can activate your heart by breathing deeply into your lungs as well as awaken your Shiva energy by pulsing your penis with PC muscle exercises as you touch your partner's yoni. There is a back and forth circular flow of Shiva and Shakti energies that is healing for the male and female. The medicine of the fully awakened yoni flower is powerful medicine that you as a powerful male can enjoy if you tune into the soft sensations that yield under your careful but powerful touch. You can move more mountains with a yin and soft touch because water touch can softly chip away at the Earth piece by piece. If you remember the Softer touches yield the most intense orgasm or pleasure arousal then you can close your eyes and just let your finger pads be more sensate. The key to healing the yoni is just to be sensitive, aware and positive. Even your thoughts can influence the power of the growing and awakening yoni flower.. be conscious, be adoring, be loving and be patient and you will feed the energy back and forth from your heart center to your lover's yoni with grace, simplicity and deep respect ❦
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