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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pelvic release & sexual massage!

Once again we have been getting requests from certain members of the public wanting "pelvic release" or "sexual massage" - please note that this type of service is not offered by members of Shakti Gardens!

We have never, and will never offer any form of sexual services, nor will we negotiate with anyone for any sexual services. This is not an escort agency, nor a strip club, nor is it a sleazy "massage parlour". It is a place of healing, teaching and enlightenment.

Our work focusses on healing, restoring energies, and allowing for a new renewed balance in mind, body and spirit. Once this is achieved, only then do we focus on the Meridians, Chakras and energies, getting clients to focus on the energy shifts within their own body, and make them aware of renewed and heightened sexual energies. Yes, some of the work can be sensual, but not sexual.

If it is "pelvic" or "sexual" massage you need, then please feel free to pick up a copy of Sex Trader or even The Star Classifieds, you might just find what you are looking for.

We want people to develop a healthy attitude towards their sexuality and sensuality. To be respectful and dignified. To be aware that what they have are Divine gifts and must be treated with the respect it deserves, giving thanks and to be appreciative. We are here to enlighten, teach and heal.

Another request that we have had but will not honor - is for us to be naked for the client and for the client to "fondle" us. The focus of our work is healing you, and not to provide a venue for thrill seekers wanting to "fondle and play" with us. Please respect the women (and myself) who work at Shakti Gardens!