Find your true calling and passion - Daily Inspiration:
While the Wright brothers were developing the first airplane, one of them told a reporter, "We can't wait to get up in the morning!"
You don't need to be a Wright brother to be able to look forward to your day. Just be you. Heed your natural instincts. When something lights you up, pursue it. When something shuts you down, step back.
People who have found their true calling report that they are having so much fun, they feel like they should be paying people to let them do it. When you allow your passion to guide you to your right livelihood, you will be hard-pressed to call it "work."
EXCERPTED FROM the article:
Are You Burnt Out?
by Alan H. Cohen.
While the Wright brothers were developing the first airplane, one of them told a reporter, "We can't wait to get up in the morning!"
You don't need to be a Wright brother to be able to look forward to your day. Just be you. Heed your natural instincts. When something lights you up, pursue it. When something shuts you down, step back.
People who have found their true calling report that they are having so much fun, they feel like they should be paying people to let them do it. When you allow your passion to guide you to your right livelihood, you will be hard-pressed to call it "work."
EXCERPTED FROM the article:
Are You Burnt Out?
by Alan H. Cohen.
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