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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Naturist Gathering Confirmed

Another interested party and myself have been talking and will be working together to get this off the ground, and we are very serious about this.

We will make our venue - Shaktigardens - available for this. It is easily accesable from most areas, plenty of safe parking, private garden and decent sized pool with seating in one corner - a wooden deck has been planned and hopefully this will go up by the end of this month.

The first planned date is 10th Feb 2008 (Sunday) and there are already a couple of interested parties. Hopefully there will be more in the near future. We would also like to see others get involved in hosting socials. This is planned to be a mixed gathering for couples as well as single females and guys.

The invitation is open any man, woman, couple and so on, and the plan is to exclude no one. Please note that the normal naturist rules, as per resorts will apply, no sexual activity, no come ons, no harrassment or anything of that nature will be tolerated nor will drunken behaviour. No Cameras allowed! There will be no pressure whatsoever for anyone to get undressed at any point, so it will be the perfect time to introduce reluctant partners and curious friends to the lifestyle.

The plan is to have a braai, so bring meat, drinks, towels etc. :-)

As we need to plan ahead, could you please RSVP to:

It would be really great to build this up into a steady group of like minded people, so please try to take part!
