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shaktigardens is a venue in Johannesburg South Africa with events and therapies to honour and encourage the Goddess in all women.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sensual Healing Massages & services offered

Be blessed all seekers of wellness, and seekers of Tantra! We at Shakti Gardens have been experiencing different subtle shifts in the last few weeks. Soon we will see the fruits of our labours.

While Daka Don and Dakini Shekina still continue offering their unique blend of (sensual Tantric) healing and teaching, they will soon be joined by 2 other female therapists who are currently being trained to work alongside at Shakti Gardens. Also, we now have additional help from Dakini Wendy (from the Advait Tantra School) who will offer her services should Shekina not be available. Dakini Wendy will be working from her premises in Parktown North.

There is a possibility of a Domme starting soon, and will be setting up "Kink Coaching" and "Submissive training" for those who wish to explore their darker fantasies. She will be working in conjunction with Mabius Drakkan who is already providing this service to couples as well as females.

Our colleague, Rose, who moved to Cape Town is slowly progressing in establishing Shakti Gardens in Cape Town, and developing a client base there. She offers deep tissue massage as well as sensual Tantric massages.